Product Design, feature update


Implemented a SaaS inventory management solution to prevent end-customers from purchasing products with low inventory, which saved our store-builders' money on returns.

Product Designer
Product Manager, Engineering Manager
6 Weeks
Technical restraints — possible server overload
Woman sitting at a desktop computer setting inventory thresholds by supplier

What OMG does

A tool used by store-builders to design online pop-up stores where they can sell branded products to their customers.

Pop-up stores are e-commerce sites that sell products that are available for purchase for a short period of time, typically 2 weeks.

The Challenge

It's 2021 and you're stuck inside hanging out with your community over Zoom. Imagine that you've placed an order for a custom sweatshirt for your Zoom-crew to wear, but it's been over a month since you've placed the order and it still hasn't arrived.

During the height of the pandemic, shipping and distribution delays caused caused frustration among customers who weren't receiving their orders.

This resulted in a financial loss for our clients and a loss of trust in their online stores.

Affinity map of user interview observations


I conducted user interviews with 3 of our clients to uncover their needs, pain points and goals around inventory.

Affinity map of user interview observations
Key Findings

2 out of 3 participants do not want their customers to order a product that has low inventory or is out of stock.


Using the research findings, I reframed the data as How Might We Questions, to facilitate brainstorming and feature prioritization with stakeholders and developers.

MVP Features
User Flow
  • The landing page would host relevant inventory information.
  • The store-builder would then need to open tools to set threshold alert levels and go to any store affected by low inventory.
User flow


  • Stores Affected data visualization to inform our clients how many stores had products with low inventory.
  • Product List shows our clients which products have low inventory and how many product variants each supplier has.
  • Supplier List allows users to see any suppliers that have any products with low inventory.


Each of the 5 participants selected had previously reported issues with our inventory experience to our customer service reps.

  • You would like to add a product to your store, but you want to double check its supplier’s inventory to ensure it won’t sell out once your store closes. Check your suppliers' inventory.
  • One of your suppliers is more reliable than the others. For the less reliable supplier you want to change your supplier threshold level.
  • You want to see what stores have been impacted by low inventory levels. Check impacted stores.
Key Findings



Our store-builders can confidently build stores knowing that if a product reaches a low inventory threshold, it will immediately be pulled off of the storefront.

Our store-builders will also be provided with up-to-date inventory information on product variants so they can make educated decisions around product selection and setting thresholds.

Next Steps

Analyze data after launch to measure success to guide further iterations of the inventory feature.

Conduct Customer Experience Surveys to measure how our clients feel about the changes and adjust accordingly.

Complete and refine an onboarding process that walks the user through the Inventory Manager Experience.